6:32 AM

Good morning everyone! I decided to take a tiny break this morning and post a personal-ish blog. I want to show you guys a bit more of my personal life and my personality. Let me know if you like seeing these or anything similar. 

First off, 

COFFEE. I'm an absolute coffee-holic. I'm convinced my body doesn't even have the ability to wake up on its own. As I was making this coffee I realized we ran out of creamer so I just added a tablespoon of butter and a ton of sugar. If you think that's weird, heres five reasons I put butter in my coffee:
  1. It improves cognitive functioning
  2. It signals your body to start burning fat, which continues all day
  3. It provides your body with essential fats and calories that you might need if you're like me and usually skip breakfast or have a light one
  4. Energy lasts longer (up to 6 hours)
  5. And without the crash!
I usually like my coffees triple-triple, at least thats what I ask the barista every time, but everyone else is just convinced it's a cup of milk ha! Anyway, this mug is what I like to call my "Cup O' Smiles" Irish? No. Does it make me happy? Absolutely. I think just having that positive energy (and drinking out of it) has major changes on my day! Proved my yours truly (me) (probably better than science). To get a similar mug click here!
While I have my coffee I'll usually check on my blog. The first thing I check is if someone from a new country read my blog. Then, I'll read some other blogs,  and watch some beauty gurus on Youtube. After that I'll get ready for the day.
I usually spend about an hour and a half on my makeup and skincare routine. My go to look is a smoked out liner! I love adding pinks and reds to make it really stand out. Tons of highlighter. A sharp contour. Then, I'll spray my face with my Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day Setting Spray in Jasmine. Which smells sooo good! Let me know if you want a review on that!! After makeup, I'll go to my closet and attempt to quickly put together an outfit. I usually gravitate to more earthy tones or muted colors. I have more of a laid back, casually, kinda edgy style. Don't get me wrong I'll wear a baby pink dress any day though!
On Thursdays, I have two classes, English and Speech. I may seem like a liberal arts major but believe me when I say the struggle is real. No need to elaborate on that lol. Today's kind of busy since I have an assignment due today and a test tomorrow! Probably should be studying instead of blogging... Oh well. I always find it more important to squeeze in the things that make you happy. For me its beauty blogging. I find that it boosts my overall happiness. Even when its just looking forward to something fun this weekend, it give me that extra push I need during the week.
Also!!! A big thing coming up is my birthday! My birthday is October 12, meaning in only 20 days I'll be 18. I didn't realize it was so close until my friends brought it up asking me what I wanted (ABH MODERN RENAISSANCE PALETTE ) btw, I already know which one of friends is getting me that, so if its not you, you probably shouldn't. I wouldn't mind two though. Can't wait to blog about all the new makeup I'll be getting haha! Well that's it for now! I should go get ready for class, have a wonderful day everyone!

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